Meet the M.W. Crew
Dave Wheeler
(Co-Founder and Head Editor of MIND WAVE COMICS)(Writer/Creator – The Misadventures of Wonderboy; Darwin Holmes Ape Detective) (Inker – The Misadventures of Wonderboy; The BOLT)
Dave is trying to bring a little light back into the dark gritty world of mainstream comics with the newest super hero on the block, Wonderboy. He has been working as a professional comic colorist and inker in the industry for a few years and is just starting to break out as a young up and coming talent within a field he’s dreamed of being a part of since he was a little kid. While others were deep in thought of academic brilliance Dave dreamed of a world with superheroes, Ape detectives, and Nazi Dinosaurs. Strange? No, Awesome? YES! If you want to check out Dave’s work check out his personal portfolio site @ www.mindblowstudios.com
Samir Barrett
(Co-Founder of MIND WAVE COMICS)(Creator /Writer – The BOLT; Techno Insecto) (Penciller – The BOLT; The Misadventures of Wonderboy)
Samir is an Animation and Sequential art graduate with a love for drawing comics. Having experimented with making comics since a little child, he has learned and gained a lot of experience after being immersed into a world dedicated to teaching comics. Having a fascination for super heroes and maniacal villains; Samir loves creating amazing characters and intriguing storylines. Teaming up with Creator Dave Wheeler, Samir provides pencils for the incredibly entertaining series “The Misadventures of Wonderboy” and his self-created series “the BOLT”. To see some more of Samir’s work head on over to samirbarrett.com
Heidi Foland
(Artist – Totem)
Initially just a harmless doodler filed under the catch-all term “illustrator”, the siren song of geekery turned out to be too hard to resist for Heidi. Now a game artist by day and comic artist by night (with a keen interest in honing her napping skills between the two) she sets out with stylus in hand to make a mark.
Jeffrey Cotton
(Creator-Major Loon)
Before Jeff was a Graphic Artist, he was a comic book fan. Major Loon’s origin is a mix of superheroes, cartoon influence and serendipity. A chance meeting with Dave opened up a world of crazy characters wanting their stories to be told.
Nikolas A. Draper-Ivey
(Artist - Cynder)
Born in Lansing, Michigan and raised in Detroit, then moving to Georgia for a while; I’ve come across various people and always was the odd kid out no matter where I was. However, I’ve been blessed enough to have made peers that have kept me encouraged in doing art. I’m always doing something art related. If I’m not, I go a little crazy. My biggest pet peeve is a wasted day. It’s madness. If there is ever a time that I’m not drawing, I’m thinking about what I should be drawing. Then I get frustrated because I’m not drawing it at that very moment. Comic Art is my favorite expression of art because it tells stories and takes you somewhere else. I like to tell stories and I like to draw. Naturally, like countless other artists out there, I wanted to do the same thing. I hope to do it for the rest of my life. It can be a depressing thing when I think about much work one can produce over the years. It becomes depressing because I know I’ll hardly have time for anything else. That being said, I’ve been rejuvenated by the certainty that I’ll always grow in my work and as a person by doing comic art. It’s fun work and I love it.
James Wheeler
(Writer - Mechani-Gal)
As you might have put together, James is the brother of Mindwave Co-Founder Dave Wheeler. Growing up together in Minnesota he shared Dave's love of all things comics. Following four years on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, James has settled back in the Land of 10,000 Lakes and in addition to teaching in the School of Architecture at the University of Minnesota, and working with various organizations in the Twin Cities, he enjoys stretching his creative muscles as Writer for the all-new, all-amazing Mindwave Presents: Mechani-Gal anthology series.
Joel Vollmer
(Artist - Mechani-Gal)
The year was 2007. It was a chilly December. The snow fell and the wind blew as a degree in comic art was imparted to a former film maker. Armed with this tandem of academic achievement he walked off into the cold, snowy night. He draws. He teaches. He cries. The squirrels plot against him.
James Person II
(Writer - H.E.N.C.H. Inc.)
James, better known among his friends and potential enemies as Jimmy, is a simple man living a simple life. Since his humble beginnings of writing and illustrating about the adventures of his childhood superhero, Croc-Man, he knew he was destined for great things in the field of comics. Graduating from college with a degree in Theatre Arts, he decided to take the next logical step on his step towards greatness...by completely abandoning his degree and diving headlong into the field of comics! H.E.N.C.H. Inc. marks the beginning of his professional writing career in the field he loves so dearly!